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Annelies Hamerlinck

Annelies Hamerlinck

Get in touch with Annelies

Founder-Director-Destinations Specialist

Warm-hearted, social entrepreneur, Outdoor sports fanatic and nature lover with a lifelong passion for conservation, sustainability and making a better world through tourism, Belgian-born founder Annelies was “migratory bird” who spended a lot of time guiding adventure tours across “Latin-America, Europe and Indonesia” until she settled down and ‘nested’ a family in Peru. Armed with diplomas in Sports-and Movement sciences, Development Cooperation, Tourism and Busisess Administration she worked as a tour guide and cross-cultural experiential learning instructor for the world’s foremost touring companies. She founded Vamos Expeditions in Peru together with her former partner Daniel Diaz-Silva Frola in 2004 and put everything she learned into it to create the most personalized experiences for hikers, food lovers and adventurers while helping to enhance the lifes of local people and the conservation of natural and cultural heritage in Latin America. 


Annelies is a team builder focused on finding pragmatic solutions to the age-old problems of environmental degradation, poverty, and low health and education standards for vulnerable communities in our region. 


Annelies’ top strengths are:  apreciation of beauty and excellence, love for learning, gratitude (being aware of and thankful for the good things that happen, taking time to express thanks), hope (expecting the best in the future and working to achieve it, believing that a good future is something that can be brought about), Perspective (being able to provide wise cousel to others, having ways of looking at the world that make sense to oneself and others), social intelligence, teamwork, zest (approching life with excitment and energy, not doing things halfway or halfheartedly, living life as an adventure, feeling alive and activated, Kindness (doing favors and good deeds for others, helping them, taking care of them) and love.  Annelies has double nationality Belgian-Peruvian. 


Languages spoken:  Dutch (native), French (advanced), Spanish (pretty good), English (pretty good), Portuguese (basic), Quechua (basic)

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