

Our aunt Rosa Moreno Garcia is 94 years old and still makes 'Humitas de Choclo' , traditional corn cakes wrapped in corn leaves. Rosa makes them for special family celebrations, such as Mother's day and birthdays. Exactly like her mother, Pilar, made them on special occasions that were always celebrated extensively together with her 12 brothers and sisters that all lived together in a big typical colonial house in the city of Trujillo, North Peru. Rosa remembers vividly these beautiful family moments around a full table with plates

 ¿Qué sería de la gastronomía peruana sin nuestra papa? Hay miles de variedades que aportan al boom de nuestra comida y mañana (30 de Mayo) se celebrará su día. En el mundo hay 5000 variedades de papa, de las cuales 3000 son netamente peruanas. Aquí te dejamos 8 tipos de papas qué podemos destacar: What would the peruvian cuisine without our papa? There are thousands of varieties that are contributing to the boom in our food, and (30 May) hold its day. In the world there are 5000 varieties of potato, of

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